petite fille avec le rêve d'énormes

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Ann from America's Next Top Model 15

For me, being a model doesn't need the ingredient to have perfect looks. As we all know, from America's Next Top Model cycle 15 we came to find someone so unique and different, yet she delivers amazing photo shoots.
She doesn't even look healthy to me. She has a skinny-boned body. And a little bit of a weird face. She looked completely different compared to her Polaroid photo to all her beauty shoots.

see the differences?

Quoted from

The 19-year-old, 6-foot, 2-inch blond from Dallas appears in the 15th season of the reality competition, premiering September 8. An adult's hands can easily fit all the way around her waist, as judge Miss J. Alexander demonstrates in a trailer released from the show.
 You can imagine that, can't you? Having someone so thin as a model can impact on how teenage girls or even women these days are going to look like.

Nevertheless, I love Ann. I a team-Ann! But I do hope she puts on weight to make her look more healthy and of course, hope she beats Chelsey!


So Right - Music For Sale

Love is so funny when you get hurt and you're starting to laugh
just standing alone now figuring why everything was going so fast
and all you've wanted was someone and love will take care for the rest
like I can I want to...for so long...

Love is a puzzle and all you need is someone just to figure it out
don't look away babe cause u know I always be willing to try
I'll wait you right here babe cause I know that baby I'm not fooling around
baby I want you...just only you...for so long


Baby, I know what you feel and I'm so inspired
honey, if you let me with you I'll fix you right
So Right....
We might as well go on together
cause baby I can love you better
if you realize

I know that you're sad babe and all you need is love but love was not easy to find
don't look far now cause you know I always be waiting in front
I'll always be here even though I know you always left me behind
Baby I want you...just only you...for so long

Back to chorus

I want to love, hold, give you all the care that you need
relax baby when you're with me cause I'll be the one who holds you tight
tonight, baby when we're together, this feeling will take you further and you'll be alright...

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Aish :: Prengki :: Mala

Judul diatas itu adalah nama-nama makhluk Tuhan yang udah bikin weekend gw sedikit berwarna
*btw, I owe you guys my review for the ANTM 15* pssst.... ntar yahh.. abis yang ini :D

             post gw hari ini bakal lebih banyak mengenalkan orang yah

Minggu, 19/12/2010 me and the gang *gaya banget gang, boro-boro deh gang.. lebih pantas di sebut ibu-ibu arisan kali yah.. secara ada baby Aish yang menggemaskan, lucu dan cantik * arranged a day to spend with baby Aish. we met up dan rusuh di Sushi Ya TIS. temu kangen dan chit-chat dan juga sesi foto-foto yang bikin lupa diri. (untungnya kita dilantai atas, serasa restaurant milik sendiri kemarin :) )

baby Aish udah semakin besar! tapi semakin kuyus :( tapi gpp ko, you are still the cutest baby living on earth! sedih juga kalo di-inget-inget sekarang anggota Perqit udah ada yang punya momongan. LOH ko sedih sih? maksud gw tuh kaya awwwwww gitu loh.. kaya, terharu.. terenyuh.. begitu lah.. heart-touching banget intinya !!!

jadi PERQIT itu adalah sekelompok cewe-cewe lugu jaman SMP. yang terdiri atas;
perqit is name of a book. the book of Frienship yang skg udah hilang entah kemana skg.. *brbambiltissue!srotttt*

back to happy-happy aja skg, iyaa.. jadi baby Aish itu anaknya Fara!

how time flies......
isnt she just soooooooooooooo adorable!!! ahh...kiss kiss

Mr. Prengki

hari ini Prengki, hamster gendut yg sering dpt julukan "the lazy ball" itu bikini ulah lagi..
tega-teganya dia gigit tangan gw yang lagi mau ngasih dia kwaci..
kesel kali ya dia, dari kemarin gw kerjain terus hehehehehe
Prengki itu hamster nemu. sebenernya sedikit odd untuk diceritakan disini, tapi its oke.. *asal jangan tiba-tiba yang punya nongol* peace!
yang nemuin itu sebenernya pacar aku... tapi yang memfasilitasi itu om Todut.. *tp mereka orang tua tidak bertanggung jawab, terus menitipkan Prengki ke gw* but i fell in LOVE with Prengki the second he got FAT. mehehe..

the Lazy Ball

im obssesed about fat things.. gee i wonder why..
its like when someone or someTHING is fat..

its like chubby.. gendut gendut empuk gimanaaaa gitu..


nah kalo makhluk yang satu ini nih... namanya MALA teh BANOK
okkey, shes going to kill me when she reads this.. *lets make sure she doesnt :p*
we went to watch TRON LEGACY di Pejaten Village.
berhubung 3D, jadi harus pake kacamata nya itu kan..nah pas udah selesai, i needed to go pee-pee so bad. so i didnt care what i was holding, i just smashed it.. and I WAS HOLDING ON TO THE GLASSES! yaaak.. jadinya retak deh tuh kacamatanya.. ga retak sih *agak lebay* tapi gagangnya patah aja gituuuu.. hiyaaaiks! omg.. i just wanted to jump out, cos i was affraid to get charges from the damaged glasses. :s
untungnyaaa... pas nyampe ke mba-mba nya itu, dia kaya ga begitu merhatiin.. so i WAS SAFE ;)

Troy was okay. it has good visuals and the story was quite inters-ting. hmm..
but i love the make up of one of the player, i dont know her name. but she looked ama-ZENG..

isnt she just lovely?
wait a minute, wasnt i talking about mala the bama.. well, the picture above sure is not Mala :p
yeah, after we went to the movies, we went home. so thats the end of the story. goodbye.
kidding guys.. but we actually did went home after that. :s *ga jelas banget sumpah...
karna Mala lagi pusing.. badan pegal-pegal.. she decided to go and get a massage, AT MY PLACE! sekarang gw buka salon loh guys.. disalon gw menyediakan lulur dan hair spa. price range range nya ntar gampang lah......

another joke........
Mala luluran dan hair spa sama Mba Ugi :) mba gw emang the best when it comes to pijat-memijat.
so here's a picture of Mala yang lagi bete..

sad-faced Mala

dan sekarang... setelah dilulur dan dipijat-pijat. and also an hour of sleep... she is now back to the hyper and talkative MALA!! yeay!

berhubung mala lagi nge-teh sambil makan jelly, gw jadi mau ikutan... sekian dulu ya guys!
see you on my next post :)

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

pesona di terror maling


kebiasaan gw setiap bangun tidur adalah mencari HP, kadang.. tanpa disadari gw suka ngotak ngatik twitter sehingga muncul lah tweet-ga-nyambung-akibat-nyawa-belom ngumpul.

Tapi, pagi ini gw di bikin kaget karena baca tweet tetangga gw..

from @wendra_pp's timeline
*ijin ya wen* :D
serem deh.. padahal kan Pesona terkenal dengan keamanan-nya, kenyamanan-nya, kebersihan-nya.. but no, now-a-days, i just get this in-securtiy feeling. apa gunanya bayar keamanan?
beberapa hari sebelum nya juga kita dapet selebaran dari RT/RW ; saying that there was an incident di blok belakang gw. Kehilangan motor..
terus beberapa lama kemudian ada kejadian lagi di blok lain nya. sekaraaannngggg di gang rumah gw!! ː̗̀(☉_☉)ː̖́

to be honest, im  like so scared of burglary.. lebih takut sama maling daripada sama setan deh! i mean, thiefs are human. they can be brutal and dont even give a damn about others. they break in.. they steal.. they damage other peoples property..  GRRRRR !!

sekian- (off watching ANTM 15 *belom nonton nih dari kemarin ketinggalan mulu*)
my reviews on ANTM later :D


Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

just another FASHION

just another obsession, being a fashionista is every girl's dream.
ima share cute picts..

newspaper dress

the adorable Raina (ANTM 14)
via Rainaofficialsite

color your life
lively and stylish

'ta! xx

first time around

well hello blogging world...

udah bertahun-tahun nulis diary, tapi ga pernah memberanikan diri u/ nge-post my personal notes to public.
so, here we go....

hari Jumat adalah hari libur sedunia buat gw. out of a week, i get my Friday off. so when people say TGIF because its their last day of working or college, im proud to say TGIH (H stands for Holiday) mehehe..

gw orang yang suka merencankan sesuatu *belum tentu juga rencana yang gw susun itu gw laksanakan, tapi udah seneng aja gitu bikin schedule* ;p

menurut "Jadwal" gw itu, setiap selasa/jumat adalah hari dimana gw bisa bermanja-manja dengan Mba Ugi.  :: Mba Ugi itu pembantu slash emak slash personal assistant slash my one and only chef ::
so where was I? oia.. ngomongin jadwal yah.. hari manja-manja itu biasanya gw kalo ga Hair Spa pake Makarizo Texture  yang wanginya bikin ngilerrrr....

makes my hair smells like real choco ;9
atau ga ya luluran... gausah pergi ke salon, bayar ratusan ribu + tip pula... (its not that Im pelit, I just hate the fact that we have to give tips to those mba-mba. So not worth it)

Besides body treatment, gw juga suka banget sama yang namanya SENAM pakai DVD. it keeps us fresh u know.... daripada nge-gym yang bikin badan kita jadi berotot atau olah raga diluar rumah yang bisa bikin kita hitam (percuma dong capek" luluran kalo gitu mah...)
tapi........ yang bikin mewek , udah seminggu ini dvd-player gw just decided to die. i have no idea whats wrong with it. its just dead. alias tidak-mau-nyala.
udah seminggu lebih ga senam dan itu rasanya aneh banget -,-
nulis apa lagi yah?
YA AMPUN !!! gw sampe lupa ngenalin diri gw sendiri. hahhaa..
im Tasha, some people call me Chacha, more official Rahma.
(yeah, people gets irritated when they know my name, they'd  be like,

"sebenernya nama kamu tuh siapa sih??"
"nama kamu banyak banget sih, gw manggil lo Cacing aja deh" 
<---- yang itu agak ga nyambung, but they really do call me Cacing. alias worm. *ewww

im a 21-year-old. i take English Literature di STBA LIA. itu bukan tempat les loh yaaa
itu SEKOLAH TINGGI BAHASA. *emosi* grr.. abisnya suka agak gondok aja kalo ada orang nanya,
"loh itu tempat les kan yah?" hmm.. jelas-jelas itu tertera STBA nya. salah stba nya atau emang orang-orang yang agak ketinggalan yah? hehehe kidding mate!

di keluarga gw, im the oldest and only girl. i have two small (but grown) brothers :)

my Bebi & Ade :*

papi mami yang baik hati............. dan tidak sombong!! (tp mereka emg kadang suka terlihat jutek, tapi orang tua gw baik ko) aaahh.. jadi kangen :'(

enough about my family...
now, my loving friends.... 2 teman yang selalu ada dan selalu bersedia jadi tong sampah gw :D

My two Bestest Friends ; Monic & Fadya
We've been friends for so long..

Most people walk in and out of your life. But only friends leave footprints in your heart.

gw sama Fadya kaya orang pacaran LDR kali yah.. its coz' she lives miles away from me. She lives in Melbourne. tapi setiap tahun, dia ga pernah absen menghabiskan akhir taun bersama sayaaaaaa *.*
 (pede banget sihhh.. emang Fadya ga punya keluarga apa disiniiiiii)

Monic, yang biasa gw panggil Destri ini sih tinggalnya sama-sama di Depok. jadi hampir setiap hari ketemu. kadang gw bosen bgt, ketemunya dia lagi, dia lagi....... (bentar lagi gw di tendang nih..)
haha gaaaa yaa destrii.. i love youu ko.. dida penahh bocen ketemu destlii..
karna adaaa aja setiap ketemu yang bisa jadi bahan obrolan kita berdua yaa! :D

*yah kenapa jadi mellow-meongan gini yah.....

Cukup sekian dan terimakasih dulu kali yah....
daritadi keasikan ngetik sampe lupa belom bales msg dari pacar.. hihihihi
next post ntar gw kenalin deh pacar gw... ;p 
see you guys xx